Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mid-summer Blueberries

So, what's been going on over the last three years, you might ask. Well, I'd answer, I fell in love with a man who I first met when we were kids. On the other side of the world. Long story.

So I left the West side of what's-left-of-America and moved to the Boston area, as he had the better job over here. And now I live on the East side of what's-left-of-America. It's very green, in all interpretations of the word, which I appreciate immensely.

I've been working in tech, and doing some jewelry/metalwork when I have a chance. But I'm missing the food photography and may be dangling my toes back into it. We'll see!

Here are some amazing blueberries I just picked from the backyard. Happy summer!!

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